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The Adventures of Nauti Kitty

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Nauti Kitty

Our girl is a feisty

Lagoon 410 S2

She is a 41 foot sailing apartment who is sturdy and true underfoot and can handle the tough stuff. Built more for comfort than speed she can still provide a bit of a thrill as the wind picks up.


La Capitana “Nols”

A passionate adventurer in her earlier adult life Nols has never grown out of it. She is chomping at the bit to get this new adventure started.

Hiding behind blue lenses for most of the time at sea you will find “The Captain” (as Rick calls her)

Hiding behind blue lenses for most of the time at sea you will find “The Captain” (as Rick calls her)

First Mate

Rick has had a dream to sail around Australia for years. A book he received back in 1991 is even inscribed to follow this dream and now some 30 years later the time has finally arrived.

Here captaining the “Wet Pussy”  is Nauti Kitty’s First Mate - Rick , along with Fur baby Ella.

Here captaining the “Little Puss” is Nauti Kitty’s First Mate - Rick , along with Fur baby Ella.

Join Us As We

Embark on our sailing adventure!


See how it all started