Ben Boyd National Park

Out on an overhang in Ben Boyd national park

Tuesday 5th April Nauti Time 029

Adventure day (another one)

Today we planned on doing a walk in the Ben Boyd National Park. Ema and Kairon contacted us as they were heading back from Canberra to Fishie, and were going to be passing through Eden, so we invited them to join us for part of the walk which will be great fun.

The weather was perfect

We made lunch, coffee and tea and headed off at about 9 o’clock, mooring Little Puss under the pier, tied her to a pylon.  There is always some anxiety at leaving the tender unchained and at the mercy of everybody’s goodwill not to pinch it. It certainly would be a pain without a tender, but this is Australia and there is a code of trust.


Road to tower closed for repair and renovation

The road leading from the end of the pier up towards the track to the Ben Boyd National Park and Tower looked a long way on the map it in reality was less than a kilometre. We went past the piles of logs that we used for the woodchip mill and a quick left and right and we are on the road to the National Park. Unfortunately they are doing renovations of tower following a lightning strike and to make it more accessible, so we weren’t able to go and visit the tower directly, so we took a little track off to the right it’s part of the light to light walk.  If you are in the this part of the world – it’s a must!!!!!

Tower from light to light track


It was lovely to be back in the bush again, with the path very reminiscent of Tasmania with tannin stained water creeks running down the tracks and muddy bits. After about 10 minutes we walked onto rocky outcrop with a fantastic view towards the south and Green Cape.   On the ground were remanence of a seafood lunch, with a pounding stone that hinted that were not the first ones to enjoy the view and with access to the sea, with fresh water close by.  The views along the coast are  extraordinary.

Tannin stained creeks

Amazing coast

Ema and Kairon were about an hour behind us so we continued along the track and came across a beautiful creek that cascaded into a magnificent waterfall to the ocean. Clambered onto the adjacent hedland we got a lovely view of this waterfall. The stained water made to sea a lovely colour.   The geology of the coastline is astounding, with the rocks folding and twisting and such a beautiful red colour.

The Waterfall was stunning


We turned around after the waterfall and headed back to where we first had our break to catch up with Ema and Kairon. We timed it perfectly, soon after they came around the corner had a lovely lunch with us. After lunch they headed to the waterfall and we headed back to the boat. 

Fun catching up with Ema and Kairon

It was great to be back walking again and we have such spectacular scenery in this beautiful country of ours.

The tide had gone out, so it was a bit of a struggle to get Little Puss back in the water, but coped and headed back home. 


Ema and Kairon joined us soon after and had a quick little drink on the boat before we sent them on the way to Lakes Entrance. It was rather ironic in it would take them three hours to get there and it took us 24 hours for us to get to Eden. 

I thought I’d have another little fish just before sunset and caught a good size Flatty, Trevallyand another Taylor. Nola decided that fish and chips were an order again and we had the Flatty and Trevally for dinner. The Trevally was excellent eating, done in a light breadcrumbs with chips and salad. It was one of those memorable adventure days. 


It was great to catch up with Ema and Kairon and hope they are able to join us further up the coast for a sail, although I apologise if we have planted a seed about a sailing adventure in their minds and hearts.

Tomorrow is my birthday, but it looks like rain not a problem you’re still get younger even if it rains.


Rick’s Birthday


The Navy’s in town