Coffs Harbour to Iluka

Sunrise leaving Coffs Harbour

Sunday 29th May 2022. Nauti Time 084

Finally leaving Coffs Harbour after 10 days of poor weather we finally have a window to get to Yamba. So we’re up early ready to refuel. The fuel dock is very challenging as it is very flat and difficult to get in close we also have another yacht waiting to come in sitting right behind us and a huge motor cruiser lining up to have their turn. I attempted a couple of times to get the front of the boat in close enough to get a line on but in the end I had to hand it over to Rick as the audience we had made me very nervous. Rick managed to get us along side and wonderful man out for a walk on the docks was able to grab our line and get us tied up. This is one of the most challenging things I find on this journey is getting to docks and getting away from them without causing any damage to us or others. once fueled we were on our way it would take about 9 1/2 hours to get to Yamba and we’re trying to get our timing right to cross the bar as it can be a tough one to get into.

It’s a lovely day on the water although a little bit choppy and not a lot of wind for sailing. We have had some excitement along the way seeing whales breaching in the distance as well as having a few swim fairly close to our boat. I love it to think we are sharing the waters with these magnificent animals.

We had our timing perfect for the bar but On talking to Yamba marine rescue they advised to go well north passed the entrance and cut back in across the northern wall along the leads to enter the bar. It made it a long trip in and we had sat and watched a few smaller boats do the run then finally took our go. It seem to be going very well but as we approached the entrance the swell was huge probably about 3 -4m and Nauti Kitty just seem to rise to the height of a three-story building and then lower down again. Fortunately for us these waves were not breaking and under full throttle we were able to enter the bar quite safely.

We decided to go into the Iluka side which required anchoring behind a break water where it was very difficult to find enough depth of water to safely anchor. We we have found a spot between two boats which will do for tonight and will have another look in the morning but now it’s time for sundown and a well earned sleep.

Sundowners anchored behind breakwater at Iluka

Monday 30th of May 2022. Naughty time 085

There are some strong winds predicted for later today and we want to let out more chain to make us secure but as we are so close to our neighboring boats We will need to move and try and find a better spot.We eventually decided on a spot which meant at low tide we would only have 200 ml below Our Keel. Hopefully with the winds that are predicted this will be OK. For now it’s time To take Little Puss into shore and go for a wonder. There is a boat that has been beached that looks very sad. It might’ve happened in the recent floods and bad weather So we will go and investigate. We will also have a Wonder into town to check out the shops.

Sad to see this boat washed up. Looks like it’s been here awhile!


Gondwana rainforest walk


800 year old Tarrowood trees