Lone Palm Beach

Saturday 30th July 2022.

Today was moving day as the wind was predicted to get quite frisky although when I woke at 5.45 there was a thick mist over glassy seas. Very beautiful and I guess it gave us a bit of a false sense of security as we should have probably got up and moved then but we left it a few hours and although we had the tide with us we had the wind against us. We only had an hour and a half of travel but it did get quite bumpy and as we were going virtually into the wind we had to motor. One highlight though as we passed Coongul Point we saw these magnificent whales breaching. There were at least 2 and they would jump fully body out of the water one after the other and they did it about 10 times. It was awe inspiring!

We finally anchored off Arch cliffs which gave us great protection from the strong easterly winds that were peaking around 30kn. We spent the rest of the day watching whales both in the distance and a small pod passing fairly close, then we saw a dingo walk right along the beach in front of us, then I saw a turtle pop it’s head out just off the back of the boat, then as the sun was setting a small pod of dolphins passed close to the boat. What an amazing day for wild life. The sun has set now and the wind is abating, settling in for a night of sci-fi and maybe viewing meteorites if the clouds clear.

Dingo just sitting watching us

Sunday 31st July 2022

Weather had settled enough for us to head out on Little Puss again. Went for a nice long walk on lone palm beach and meet up with a man who has been traveling around Australia for 12 years and he had spent 5 months living on Fraser but was now back with brother and his family for the week. He was fishing off the beach and they had been catching whiting and taylor on pippies and worms. ( had to get the low down for Rick as he is very frustrated with his lack of success in the fishing area). Down the other end of the beach I met a lady from Brisbane who was there on a yacht with her boyfriend. He has been traveling up and down the East coast of Australia for 7 years hailing from Tassie. So there are definitely adventurers out here.

Dingo sitting by the shore

Later in the day we headed back to shore up near the creek where there were a number of campers. We meet one couple who had been there camping for over a month and while we were talking to them I looked over to the bushes and there was a dingo just lazing in the undergrowth just watching us like any domestic dog might do. The couple said he came there for a few hours each day and they almost forget he’s there. As we headed out in Little Puss we could see the dingo down sitting right by the water then something took his interest and he wandered up the beach and started digging away. Hard to remember they can be dangerous when their antics are so familiar.

Golden glow

We headed back to Nauti Kitty just as the sun was casting this amazing golden glow onto the cliffs. So pretty and a lovely sunset followed.


Whale of a time


Moon Point Hawkes nest beach