Port Hacking to Pittwater

18th April 2022

So we hope we have got this right. After a passing comment by Wade and Chris from Anui where they said the actually motored from Wilson’s Prom to Jarvis bay we started to reconsider the type of weather we were choosing to sail. We had been looking for pretty consistent winds around 20 knots so we could in fact sail most of the way however our recent experience has taught us that although Nauti Kitty loves to sail in 20 knots along with that comes large waves and rough seas. So our new plan of attack is we will head out when seas are 1.5meters or below and preferred winds 10-15 knots or below and if we have to motor all day we will as long as we are comfortable and enjoying it. So today is such a day and we plan on heading into Sydney Harbour the entrance of which is about 3 hours sail away. Wish us luck.

We had an awesome day. The sun was shining and we had long rolly swell but no breaking waves or confused seas. We got to sail for about an hour and a half and take in the glorious sandstone cliffs that line the shore heading to Port Jackson. We were loving every minute of it. So much so that as we were about to turn into Sydney Harbour we actually decided to give what would surely be a very busy hectic Harbour (given it was a public holiday) a miss and just keep going. Some quick calculations and re set of navigation worked out that Pittwater and the gorgeous water ways of Karing-gai national park were only another 3 hours further on and it wasn’t even 11am. So onward we went.

Again we had a lovely trip even though we had to motor due to the wind being right on the nose. There was a flotilla of sailing boats that were in front of us from Sydney Harbour for abou 2 hours. It turned out they were heading out only to race back to Sydney.

On approach to Pittwater there were tens of boats leaving probably as it was the end of the Easter weekend so heading back to Sydney. The stream of boats heading in the opposite direction to us continued well inside the water ways with some heading into Pittwater and others out through the heads.

We made our way into the most gorgeous Jerusalem Bay where we were surrounded by sandstone hills covered in majestic river gums and slow moving waters. The silence and tranquility enveloped us and the end of this glorious day gave us a sense of peace and renewed faith that this is our dream and definitely does not have to have any nightmares! Great lesson learned.


Jerusalem Bay and beyond


Port Hacking