Exploring Pulbah Island

Our girl Nauti Kitty from the beach at Pulbah Island

April 26 2022. Nauti Time 051

Tide was out this morning so we ventured over to the island and walked the narrow stony beach along the foreshore and found a grove of gumtrees that had very little undergrowth and enabled us to venture further inland, the fallen bark from the trees providing a soft carpet to walk on which was just as well as we were both barefoot. It was very peaceful as we made our way along the ridge line. We did eventually come across some marked trails that seemed to cross the island but I wasn’t keen to follow without shoes so we made our way back down to shore and Little Puss. As we explored along the shallows by boat there were quite a few good sized fish along with some live razor clams and hundreds of tiny fish. We decided we would give fishing a go later in the day.

So we were hoping for fish for dinner tonight but despite spotting fish actually catching them proved elusive although lots of bites and bait lost, alas no fish for dinner!!!

We are heading to the northern part of the lakes tomorrow as there are strong northerlies predicted so we want to find a more sheltered anchorage.


OMG are we sinking?


Anzac Day