Fame Cove

It’s a hard life!

Saturday 14th May 2022. Nauti Time 069

Left Marina early and headed to Fame cove which is a lovely tranquil little oasis. Our timing was great as one mooring ball left and although there were a few more exchanges through the day there were many boats who came then left when no mooring balls were available. One cat dropped anchor so they were probably not from NSW as we have noticed very few seem to use their anchors? I must admit with well maintained mooring balls you do feel very secure utilizing them and it does mean your not pulling up sticky muddy sh…. Onto your decks when retrieving your anchor. A big plus in our book.

Oyster handbag cages

Took Little Puss out for a spin and went exploring the Oyster farms near here, which was very enlightening. I never knew they grew them in little handbag like cages! We also thought they needed clearer water but this estuary was very muddy. Sticky clay smelly mud! Even worse when you bog your dingy on it! But wonderful Rick saved the day. He was my Steve Macqueen and saved the river princess or something like that. Fortunately he didn’t get out of the boat because that boggy mud would have swallowed him whole. It took a full five minutes just to wipe it from the oar he used. Yuck 🤮 we were outta there quick smart.q

We decided we Probably won’t get to Myall lakes this time as we have a good weather window coming up from Monday so just staying here in fame cove for the night. Then we’ll head back up around Little beach or even to Nelson Bay or even shoal bay for tomorrow night and head off from there early Monday.

Good morning Fame Cove

Sunday15th May 2022. Nauti Time 070

Woke to a glorious sunny morning and while sitting outside taking in the melodious bird sounds and the calm waters there was suddenly that sound that we love so much. The whoosh of air being blown out as the water breaks and the shiny smooth grey of a dolphins back appears. For the next half hour two small dolphins cruised our tiny bay. What a treat.

We are hanging here til around lunch time as it’s pretty hard to leave!

Finally left Fame Cove around 2.30pm and found a mooring bouy in Shoal Bay for the night as we plan on heading out first thing tomorrow doing an over night trip to Coffs Harbour. I have organized a berth at the marina there as there is some more nasty weather on its way. I get nervous before heading out just hoping we have got the weather and waves right so it’s an enjoyable trip rather than one we have to suffer through. Anyway we have lots of alternate stop in points ( called ocean anchorages) along the way this time so if things should go awry we have options. 1. Crowdy Head, 2. Hat Head. 3. Trial Bay all of which would provide safe harbour in southerly to westerly winds.

It is very pretty in this bay with outlook to the two tall hills that stand like sentries to the entrance from the sea. We could however be in for a bit of a rolly night as the waves do come in and curl around the corner into this bay a bit but ATM just a gentle rocking which will have us asleep in no time.

Two sentinels either side of the bay exit

Took Little Puss to shore but waves made pulling in impossible so Rick dropped me off to go in search of a few supplies. While waiting for me Rick had dolphins all around the boat. I was pretty peeved as my shopping trip was unfruitful and I thought I’d missed the dolphins but when he picked me up we actually saw them catching fish!

Decided to head back to Nelson bay shops in Little Puss to get supplies and fill up our reserve jerry cans for little puss at the marina. After a successful shopping venture this time we also did our good deed for the day by removing a huge log from the marina entrance. It took us and a man on the dock to try and lift it out of the water. Finally managed to get it securely on the dock. It would have done major damage to any boat if they had hit that.

Back on Nauti Kitty we made ready for our trip by making up salads and wraps for nourishment on the way along with dry bickies, nuts and snakes out on bench ready to munch on as needed over the 27 hour journey. We also have 2 large thermoses that we will make up in the morning with hot tea. For now it’s early to bed


Port Stephens to Coffs Harbour


Nelson Bay