Bermagui coastal walk (Copy)

Bermagui beach

Sunday 10th April Nauti Time

Oh my god the sun is out. It’s warm. The world is a beautiful place. Let’s go for a walk.

Got a map of the local area and after chatting to steve and Carol decided that we will do a trip north towards camel Rock.

I love reverse daylight saving, because we are up and ready to go and it was only 730. We decided that we should have another cup of tea and wait at least to 8  before we head off.

Nola made sandwiches and we headed across the park onto the bike track and over the bridge to Moorhead beach.  It’s was great to see families and kids enjoying the sunshine and sand.  The beach is quite step down to the water suggesting powerful waves and a rip.   There was lots of foam and the water was  quite discoloured from the river runoff.  Lots of weathered scollop shells that made them look  fake.  Of course they are now in the collection. At the far edge were a set of rocks that the swell was pounding and although we had only been 30 min into the walk we decided here was a morning tea spot.  High on a rock, 

Morning tea high on a rock

With the waves crashing around us.   

From here we headed through a group of houses to the old Tilba Hwy.   this road ran along the edge of the beach and had been used to bring cheese and gold to the port head at Bermagui.   In the 1970’s a storm had undercut it and most of it washed away , a new road was made  further inland. The remanence have been made  into a great coastal walking track beside Hayward’s beach. 

Spiny lizard

Lots of wild life, birds, including the scrotum headed duck ( yes what the!!!!….).  And spiney lizards.   The end of the track is through “The Grotto” an section where the tea trees overhang  the track forming a lovely full canopy.   

The Grotto

Also the Grotto

 We walked the remaining few kms of the way up on the beach.  Lovely and clean with occasional patches of small pebbles and shells.   The end of the beach is at Camel Rock.   Lunch stop was watching the locals surf a nice right hand break and eating lovely chicken sandwiches on local bread.  The trip back was through the bush.  Areas are quite flooded and boggy due to all the rain that has been in the area - and we came across a beautiful red bellied black snake sunning itself on the track.  By the time we made it back to the Marina we were very footsore and needing an ice cream.  Luckily there is a gelati shop right at our doorstep.   Home made and delicious.  

Then we needed a nap

This was followed by pizza and spaghetti at the Italian restaurant upstairs from the gelati shop.  

And more sleep.

Good adventure day.


Blue pool


Eden to Bermagui