Green point park

Sunrise looking toward Belmont

April 28th 2022. Nauti Time 053

Headed to Belmont again this morning to catch an Uber out to the major shopping area some 20 minutes drive away. At the dock we met some wonderful people who were setting up for sailing for the disabled. They were lovely people one lady even offering to drive us out to the shops. We started chatting about how we loved the lakes and wanted to leave the boat here while we went to visit family and did they know of anywhere we might be able to hire a mooring. The other lady happened to be a member of the yacht club and said she knew there would be a mooring available as there was a boat moving out today. They were available to hire! Yay.

We decided to head straight to the yacht club where we met Patrick. Patrick was so helpful. Yes he had a mooring ball available and we could have it for as long as we wanted. There was a form to complete and insurance documentation to provide and it was ours. Wow we were stoked. We have it booked from Saturday.

Our shopping expedition went well and we even had an awesome brunch at a cafe nestled amongst bunnings and anaconda. Couldn’t believe how good the food was.

Pier ar Green Point

April 29th 2022. Nauti Time 054

Took all the paperwork to Patrick today and he has graciously offered to pick us up from the boat tomorrow to bring us and our gear to shore. We are so grateful as the alternative entailed putting Little Puss in the water, take all our gear to shore, return Little Puss to the boat, resecure, pump up paddle board, paddle to shore, deflate paddle board and pack into carry case and take with us!!! Quite a chore now gratefully unnecessary!

Boardwalk at green point

This afternoon we Decided to check out Green point which is the beautiful park we are anchored off. This was an old coal mine that they had to restitute when they shut it down and they have done an awesome job with beautiful wide paved paths along with more natural trails and board walks through natural Forrest that surround the point of the peninsula here. The grassed areas are meticulously maintained. There were paths leading to lookouts over the lake and lovely picnic areas with BBQs and shelters. It was such a pleasure to walk around.

Trees at green point

Time to head home and pack our bags for our land adventure that starts tomorrow.


Discovering Akuna Estate


OMG are we sinking?