Discovering Akuna Estate

Magical sunrise

April 30 2022. Nauti Time 055

Early start as we motored over to the yacht club and had Nauti Kitty securely moored by 8am. Patrick was a gem and had all our gear and us safely ashore before 8.30 and we were in our Uber heading to our car hire place by 9.

Our Uber driver Ruth was a born and breed local and took us the scenic route around the lake telling us local history and about her new home they were about to move into at the local retirement lifestyle village where a number of her friends would be becoming her neighbors. She was taking her own little community with her!

Drive to Helen and Toby’s Bylong valley

The drive to Helen and Toby’s was to take nearly 4 hours and we were both feeling very weird being in a car and on land after so long on the boat. My head was spinning! We eventually settled into the drive and although heavy rain had been forcast we were lucky that it all cleared for us after about the first hour.

We were on major highway for about 2 and a half hours then a left turn onto the Bylong Valley hwy started to reveal the most amazingly beautiful scenery of magnificent hills and dramatic escarpments. It was breathtaking and the last 2 hours flew by as we wound our way along the valley and around hairpin bends over the hills eventually getting to Running Stream and the lovey Akuna estate that is Helen and Toby’s new home and Ella’s thanks to their wonderful generosity of taking her in since mum wasn’t coping well.

Looking forward to exploring as soon as I can get my head to stop spinning! I think they call this land sickness?

View from the top of Akuna Estate

This afternoon We walked around part of the property where Helen and Toby are going to build their first glamping sites and up to the top ridge to a possible site for their new house (eventually) with spectacular views across the hills. Just this first glimpse has shown us how delightful this property is with pockets of awesomeness dotted everywhere. Can’t wait to explore more.


Sofala and Bathurst show


Green point park