Here come the cavelry

Blog 9 March 2022

Decided to spend today prepping and checking all safety gear and as we had a new man over board (MOB) device waiting at the post office in Rye we up anchored and had a very brisk enjoyable sail down and anchored in our usual spot just West of the pier. We decided to wait for wind to subside a little before Little puss took us to shore so we set up safety lines, checked and repacked ditch bags and got the boat stowed away so there will be no flying missiles when we head out the rip tomorrow.

We got to shore early this afternoon and picked up a few supplies and the MOB device. These devices require some programming and fitting to life jackets and I have to say they are the worst design ever!!!. I was setting up both of them which required virtually setting them off in order to fit the release strings. Well you probably guessed it but unbeknown to me I actually set one off!!! Now these things automatically send a distress signal to emergency services who then mobilize their teams to assist and sends alarms to our VHF radio so we had alarms going off messages we didn’t understand what to do with and within about 20 minutes the water rescue team are buzzing our boat wanting to know who we lost overboard!! I was so embarrassed and still fighting with these ridiculous things trying to fit them on the life jackets. It was a major stress producing afternoon as if I needed any more in the lead up to taking on the notorious rip tomorrow. Anyway the best things to come out of it were that 1. We know they work and get results quickly and 2. That the water police really appreciate you calling to apologize for silly mistakes and 3. How to actually use our VHF radio for digital calls and that it also works well and 4. That if we hadn’t been in contact they would have mobilized the air rescue team!! Now that would have definitely been super embarrassing!

Now! to get my butterflies to fly in formation for tomorrow and all will be well.


The Rip


Our Cruising Life Begins