Our Cruising Life Begins

Leaving Melbourne behind

We were up early and excited for our adventure to begin. Pulling away from our berth at Yarra’s edge marina was so emotional after the long process to finally get to this point after many boat updates (including new electrics, new batteries, new rigging both rigid and soft, new windscreens and Bimini cover and new dingy chaps), waiting out Covid restrictions and then emotional farewells and slightly broken hearts ( the decision to leave Ella our fur baby behind) it was hard to believe we were finally on our way! As we passed under the Bolte Bridge on our journey down the Yarra it was like passing the starting gate to our new life!

It was a glorious beginning with blue skys and gentle seas we were happy meandering along at 3-4 knots for about 5 hours when wind picked up and turned head on. Choppy sea states and up to 30 knot winds on our bow had us under full motor power. As we were passing Martha’s Cove we had dolphins come along side. We had seen them in the distance once before but this was the first time they came alongside so we saw it as a very positive omen. We ended the day heading into what little shelter we could find anchoring off the beach just west of the Rosebud pier. It was a very windy night getting up to 45knots at times but we felt safe and secure in our beautiful Nauti Kitty.

We are now preparing for our first exploits out into the big blue. We have spent the day looking at wind patterns, weather predictions and sea states in order to venture out into bass strait. We plan on heading out in 2 days time when hopefully predicted weather patterns will actually eventuate and allow a reasonably comfortable passage to Refuge cove for a night or two then on to Lakes Entrance where we plan to enjoy sailing the Gippsland lakes before continuing on.


Here come the cavelry


Mum’s first sail at 87