Refuge Bay Pittwater to Lake Macquarie

Leaving Pittwater as sun is coming up

April 24 2022

Up bright and early and had released the mooring ball by 6.45am making our way out of the waterways back into the big blue. We had 2 other Cats heading out with us which was encouraging. The wind was from the completely opposite direction to that predicted but it was light so we motor sailed. We initially had quite a swell and bumpy ride but as we moved away from the headlands the seas calmed to very gentle 0.5 swell. We had a very pleasant sail and Bonus Rick caught our first fish while underway. He caught 4 in the end which put a great smile on his face.

Yay first fish while on passage

Our 2 accompanying cats started heading further out to sea and appeared as though they were heading directly to Nelson Bay.

We spent the next 2 hours dodging parked ships along the coast.

As we neared Swansea we debated about actually spending some time in the lakes. Many people had said it’s beautiful and the “Goonies” (lagoon owners group) often have their get together here each year so we decided we would check it out.

We took a cutesy mooring just before the bridge and went and got supplies from the local woolworths then contacted Marine rescue to book a bridge opening to continue into the Lakes. Another first for us. Now I can’t say all went smoothly as I lined up a little too early and of course tide and wind shuffled us around so by the time the bridge was open and we got the green light I was off center and with minimal clearance for our mast and rigging I was fighting the tide to try and keep a safe alignment while trying to hurry through. We made it but Rick recons it was pretty close but from my perspective we didn’t hit anything not even close so that’s a win I reckon! And I will do better next time!

Going through the open bridge

Marine rescue had warned us that there was some pretty shallow bits on the channel into the lakes particularly at one point so I was being extra cautious doing only 4 kn. There was a point with 2 unfamiliar bouys and we couldn’t work out if we go between them or on one side or other. Rick guessed to go port (left) but unfortunately we ran aground and got stuck!

We tried everything But eventually had to call marine rescue who came and tried just using their wash to get us off but eventually had to tow us just 10 meters and we were free! What a great service. The guy said if we had chosen the other side we probably would have made it but no way we could have known.

By the time we got into the lakes the sun was going down and our first 2 spots where we attempted to anchor were unsuccessful so just on dark we were heading to a new spot to hopefully find a place we could either pick up a mooring ball or anchor. By the time we got to Pulbahi Island it was dark and all mooring balls taken so we dropped an hour and thankfully it held tight and there was so little wind or tide we felt very secure. We were exhausted again. Those fish Rick caught would have to wait. A quick dinner and bed!!!


Anzac Day


Jerusalem Bay and beyond