Magical dolphin show

I couldn’t capture this but this is how they looked

Blog 12 March 2022

I am so emotional right now I don’t know how to convey the magical experience I have just had. It’s 3.50 in the morning and I’ve just started my watch, it is pitch black, no stars due to cloud and the moon has already set. There is little wind and calm seas so we are motor sailing and there is this peaceful calm. Then out of the darkness there is an electric blue glow in the water that runs along side the boat then a splash and a whoosh sound as dolphins come along side only seen by the beautiful phosphorescence of their wake. They are few at first, racing along side, then they are joined by maybe 10 more dashing and darting under the boat, jumping and frolicking along side at a frantic pace coming and going their squeaks of communication and the whoosh of air as they surface the only sounds and the tell tail phosphorescence creating an iridescent blue glow that follows them. It was the most spectacular awe inspiring show I have ever witnessed! absolutely MAGICAL!


First bar crossing


Blue Water Sailors