Beautiful Lakes Entrance

Early morning mist greats us on our first day at Lakes

13 March 2022` Nauti Time 007

Today we declared a rest day. Lots of sleep, a little wander of the shops, some reading and eating and more sleeping

14 March 2022 Nauti Time 008

Today our girl got a lovely wash. We hadn’t managed to get rid of all that Melbourne grime before we left so our Nauti Kitty was pretty filthy so it took most of the day to give her a thorough clean and polish and a general tidy up of the mayhem we had created on board over the last week. There were still thing not packed away so we spent time finding a place for every thing. We were super impressed that despite our very rocky ride out of port Phillip heads and the rough entrance into here that nothing except a board from on top of the microwave had moved, not even Ricks open bottle of red wine he left on the bench!!! Thank heavens. I would not have been the one cleaning that mess up! Our girl is such a dream. I feel so safe on her. We are so grateful we are not spending life on a lean! ( ie not on a monohull that leans over to sail)

We ended the day with a walk over the footbridge to the ninety mile surf beach. It is so beautiful although as it’s the last day of the long weekend still rather crowded here near the surf club. The power of the ocean and its deep deep blue just fills my soul. It’s definitely where I feel at home and I can just block out the crowd and let it fill me up.

Breath taking ninety mile beach

15 March 2022 Nauti Time 009

Time to explore town. Rick had a few things he needed to pick up and there are lots of lovely shops here at Lakes Entrance. Some beautiful home wares and so many op shops I lost count. We have a new rule that if we bring anything new and non essential onto the boat something has to go off. I have gone through my clothes and have a few things for the op shop so I had no guilt over a new bathing suit and sun top from one op shop. It is such fun to grab a great bargain and those that know us know it’s a regular pass time of ours!

Late in the day we were missing being out on the water so we took out Little Puss for a run up to the top of Cunningham arm.

The water park

Just under the foot bridge they have set up an awesome water park. It’s a big blow up obstacle course with climbing walls and monkey bars and whirlygigs. It’s a bit like you see on some of those TV shows where they race or are timed on the obstacles. It looked like such fun but was officially closed although a few courageous youth were having fun outside of open hours. Bit hard to police that given that it just sits out on the water!

Sunset from our dock

Headed home for sundowners and enjoyed an awesome sunset


The making of the entrance


First bar crossing