Mum’s first sail at 87

Mum at the helm

30/10/21 - 2/11/21

So mum was super excited to get out on the water and although there was no sailing the first day due to light winds she enjoyed just being out on the boat taking in the view. She even managed to get in and out of the tender to go for a trip ashore at Portarlington and caught a couple of fish off the back of the boat which along with Ricks prolific supply lead to a yummy fish dinner!!. She didn’t realize that there were hot showers to be had so she didn’t really make full use of her private ensuite (We didn’t realize she thought the showers were cold until days later when it came up in conversation that she wasn’t brave enough to have a cold shower!!!) but she did enjoy the bed a lot!!!

The final day we finally got to burst her sailing virgin bubble as the winds picked up and a brisk sail home was had. We toasted to Neptune as Mum sat at the Helm and for the first time in her 87 years she was a sailor!!!!


Our Cruising Life Begins


Finally back on the water