Sofala and Bathurst show

Since 1882

May 1 2022 Nauti Time 056

The Bathurst show was on today and as the weather had cleared to a beautiful sunny day we decided to head to the show. On the way We stopped in a small town called Sofala. This amazing little town was like stepping back in time. It is an original gold mining town with buildings dating back to 1882. It is sad that many are falling into disrepair but just walking down the street you almost feel like your on a movie set with old rusted out cars and yards full of old rusty Equiptment. The old goal turned museum was unfortunately closed but a sneak look in the windows revealed lots of olden day treasures that would be a blast to fossil through. It’s amazing that people still live in and try to maintain these houses. It’s as if they are trying to make time stand still but from the looks of it they are loosing the battle. We did have a lovely morning tea in the one cafe in town.

Looks like a movie set

Wood chopping

Onward to the Bathurst show and we had fun watching a country show in action with all the traditional activities. The wood chop was exciting especially when you realize there’s no steel capped toes in their shoes and those axes hit mighty close to the tootsies. It was great to see there was a lady in the final and she came in a good 3rd. The winner who started 12 seconds behind finished at least 12 seconds in front of second place. Not a huge man but his stroke was effortless. He made it seem so easy.

Kelpie dog trials

Then we watched the kelpies herding sheep. What an amazing team of dog and human cooperation and communication. The winner was so awesome it was like he knew what was required even before his human asked. So clever. I forgot to mention Helen has a new Kelpie pup called Ace. Well actually he is James’s dog and he is so gorgeous but definitely a handful. I’m sure Helen would love to train him like these dogs but she has her hands full getting her glamping off the ground. I’m sure Ace will learn a lot from the other 3 dogs.


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